Hōtaka Event Programme

The event will open with an interactive ‘Māori Expo’ where a range of Māori partners, leaders and businesses showcase their kaupapa through live demonstrations, resources and networking. Throughout both days a line-up of inspirational whānau Māori who will share their story of intergenerational wellbeing and success through the Māori language and culture.

Kai and refreshments will be available at the Expo Site to nurture people throughout the day. Individually packed homemade food is permitted into the venue, however no commercial packaged food will enter.

Whānau Keynotes

Te Whānau Maipi

Taitimu and Ramari Maipi are torchbearers of Activism and Politics. From the fiery beginnings of Ngā Tamatoa to their māra kai in Rāhui Pōkeka, their whānau run on MANA and are fuelled with PRIDE. Their legacy continues through their children and furthermore their mokopuna namely Hana-Rawhiti, member of Te Pāti Māori and one of the youngest MP’s our country has seen. Join us, and feel the flame that fuels their unwavering spirit.

IWI affiliation: Waikato

Te Whānau o Te Moemoeā Milne

Ko Hikurangi te maunga
Ko Te Raparapa te awa
Ka puta ki te puaha o Taumārere
Ko Matawaia te marae
Ko Te Kau i Mua te hapū
Ko Ngāti Hine te iwi

We extend our warmest welcome to Whaea Moe Milne and her tamariki; Tanya Milne, Tukaha Milne, Tiakina Milne, Koha Aperahama, and mokopuna as they join us for Ako Ararau 2024.Following in the visionary footsteps of their ancestor Hine-ā-Maru, Te Whānau Milne aka Te Whānau o Te Moemoeā, uphold the essence of te ao Māori.  Guided by the wisdom of pūrākau and tradition, they stand as pillars of confidence, humility, and knowledge.  As dedicated nurturers of te reo Māori and faithful stewards of Te Whakaputanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi, their journey is both captivating and essential, offering insights that enrich and inspire.

IWI affiliation: Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Hine

Te Whānau Wright

Under the steadfast guidance of parents Rawiri and Renee, Te Whānau Wright have been raised within Kura Kaupapa Māori and the values of Te Aho Matua.  Today, that upbringing bears fruit — from thriving careers, community leadership, to kapahaka prowess. The journey of Te Whānau Wright stands as a powerful testament to the impact of Kura Kaupapa Māori and the enduring strength of whānau values. Join us as we honour their legacy and the far-reaching influence of their dedication to Te Ao Māori.

IWI affiliation: Ngāti Whitikaupeka, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa, Ngāti Raukawa, Te Arawa, Ngāruahine

Te Whānau Tuari

The Tuari whānau is a renowned creative force in multiple fields—Kapa Haka, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Music, Theatre, Vocal Arrangement, and Sound Production. Raised in Waihopai, Te Waipounamu, and later settling in Uawa, Te Tairāwhiti, they are a whānau adept at forging tailored solutions in challenging circumstances, often with limited resources. Their ability to advance cultural aspirations, narratives, and projects, even in the face of adversity, is a testament to their resilience and determination. The Tuari whanau’s creative odyssey is deeply intertwined with the wisdom, passions, and life experiences of their parents, Angela Karini and the late John Tuari. Their parents influence has not only led the whānau to preserve their own culture, te reo and tikanga, but also to infuse these elements into new and uncharted creative territories. They have reimagined competitive kapa haka, music theatre, and popular music performance spaces, transforming them into vibrant platforms for cultural expression.

IWI affiliation: Te Aitanga a Hauiti, Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau a Apanui, Ngāti Kahungunu, Rongomaiwahine, Te Aitanga a Mahaki, Ngāi Tāmanuhiri, Tūhoe

Te Whānau Papa

Ko Maungatautari te maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Ngāti Korokī Kahukura te iwi
Ko Pōhara te marae

Introducing Te Whānau Papa, a cornerstone of strength and inspiration in the Māori community. We are privileged to welcome siblings Ātaahua Papa, Linda Te Aho, Pānia Papa, Wiki Papa, and Rāhui Papa to the stage at Ako Ararau for a keynote presentation showcasing the strength of whānau unity.  Individually, these siblings shine with remarkable talent, and together, they are a formidable force. Deeply rooted in ahurea Māori, the Papa whānau embodies resilience, success, and unwavering support for one another, their marae, hapū, iwi, and the wider Aotearoa community.  Their journey, from cherished upbringing tales to overcoming modern challenges, serves as an inspiration to all. Join us as they weave together stories of tradition, triumph, and the enduring spirit of whānau.

IWI affiliation: Ngāti Koroki Kahukura, Ngāti Mahuta, Waikato

Te Whānau Milne

Te Whānau Milne have created a legacy that is multi-faceted. From Doctors of Philosophy to the youngest recipients of Aotearoa Music Awards, their boundless skill sets are a testament to the power of intergenerational knowledge, passion and hard work. Come along to listen to them at Ako Ararau 2024.

IWI affiliation: Ngāi Tahu, Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa, Pākehā

Te Aitanga a Te Rita

Te Aitanga a Te Rita are a well-known whānau, deeply rooted in their culture and values. It is inspirational how Te Rita worked hard to instil a strong sense of te reo Māori and te ao Māori in her children, and to see that legacy continuing to thrive through multiple generations. Education and creativity are fundamental pillars of their family ethos, with many of them now educators themselves, passing on their knowledge and skills to others.

Their skills in the performing arts and their creative talents speak volumes about their dedication to preserving and expressing their culture in vibrant ways. Join us at Ako Ararau!

IWI affiliation: Te Arawa, Ngāti Kahungunu

Te Whānau Waaka

Ngā tamariki, mokopuna a Te Kari rāua ko Kaare.

Ko Ngāi Tūhoe, ko Ngāti Pūkeko ngā iwi i pakeke mai ai te whānau, me ngā toronga ki roto o Ngāti Rangitihi, Te Patuwai me Ngāi Tai. Ko Mataatua te waka.

He whānau i tipu mai i te mātotorutanga o te ao Māori, ko te Hāhi Ringatū te ihonui, ko te reo Māori te reo kawe, ko ngā tikanga Māori te tūāpapa. Ka noho ēnei mea e toru hei whāriki i te whai a te whānau i te mātauranga, mai i te kōhanga reo, te kura tuatahi, kura tuarua, tatū noa ki ngā whare wānanga. Noho ai ngā mātua hei pou whirinaki mā ngā tini mokopuna kai runga i te ara o te mātauranga, tatū noa ki tēnei rā.

IWI affiliation: Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Pūkeko